Búsqueda por autor: Luxmoore, R. J.
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1. Agricultural ecosystem effects on trace gases and global climate change : proceedings of a symposium / sponsored by Divisions A-3 and S-3 of the American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America ; organizing committee, Lowry A. Harper ... [et al.] ; editor[s]-in-chief ... G.A. Peterson, P.S. Baenziger, R.J. Luxmoore. 1993
A512 1991
2. Quantitative methods in soil mineralogy : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Division S-9 of the Soil Science Society of America : the symposium was held in San Antonio, Texas on October 23-24, 1990 / organizing committee, James E. Amonette, Joseph W. Stucki ; editorial committee, James E. Amonette, Lucian W. Zelazny ; editor-in-chief SSSA, R.J. Luxmoore ; managing editor, Jon M. Bartels. 1994
3. Soil color : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-5 and S-9 of the Soil Science Society of America in San Antonio, Texas, 21-26 Oct. 1990 / editors, J.M. Bigham and E.J. Ciolkosz ; organizing committee, J.M. Bigham ; editor-in-chief SSSA, R.J. Luxmoore. 1993

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